RWBY: Ice Queendom (2022)

RWBY: Ice Queendom (2022)

2022-07-03 Tokyo MX
6.3 11 votes

Seasons and episodes

1 Season 1 July 03, 2022


In the world of Remnant, a place where science and fairy tales coexist, human civilization is plagued by deadly monsters known as the Grimm. For a time, victory by the Grimm seemed all but certain, if not for the heroism of those sworn to protect humanity -- Huntsmen and Huntresses. These warriors are trained and assembled into teams at schools like Beacon Academy, where Ruby meets Weiss and Blake -- forming Team RWBY along with Ruby’s sister, Yang. While team RWBY studies to become the greatest Huntresses the world of Remnant has ever known, they are faced with a horrifying threat...


早見沙織 is Ruby Rose (voice)
Ruby Rose (voice)
日笠陽子 is Weiss Schnee (voice)
Weiss Schnee (voice)
嶋村侑 is Blake Belladonna (voice)
Blake Belladonna (voice)
小清水亜美 is Yang Xiao Long (voice)
Yang Xiao Long (voice)
下野紘 is Jaune Arc (voice)
Jaune Arc (voice)
斉藤壮馬 is Lie Ren (voice)
Lie Ren (voice)
洲崎綾 is Nora Valkyrie (voice)
Nora Valkyrie (voice)
井上和彦 is Ozpin (voice)
Ozpin (voice)
豊口めぐみ is Pyrrha Nikos (voice)
Pyrrha Nikos (voice)
浅野真澄 is Glynda Goodwitch (voice)
Glynda Goodwitch (voice)
潘めぐみ is Penny Polendina (voice)
Penny Polendina (voice)
Soichi Abe is Peter Port (voice)
Peter Port (voice)